Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Best Web Hosting Service Might Be A Dedicated Host!

For anyone who is truly trying to find the best web hosting service they can for their new site or blog, you might be well served to look into the advantages of hosting on a dedicated server. A dedicated host can give you so many short term as well as long term benefits that it sometimes makes one wonder why one would choose anything else. Let’s take a peek at them, and perhaps shed some light on whether a dedicated hosting plan may be the best bet for you!

The first and always the loudest objection is the considerable price difference between a dedicated hosting plan and perhaps a shared plan. The first can run into the hundreds a month, whereas the latter will probably set you back less than $10. So why would anyone in their right mind opt for this?

First, maybe you shouldn’t! If your aim is to host a small, personal site and you have little or no aspirations to grow your site beyond a basic blog or family site, then you will probably be as happy as a clam with the cheapest web hosting you can find, provided it has enough space for all those accolades and pictures of your cat!

If, on the other hand, your aim is to not only build a small business site, but grow it as large as you can, then it might make sense to look into a dedicated box.

Some of the more profound advantages of a dedicated plan include the most basic one, that of not having to share your server with any other customers. It is yours alone, and you are not subject to the possible problems that hosting with others on your server can bring, such as bandwidth shortages, spam attacks, and the very real possibility that someone could get a poor reputation with Google, and get the entire IP address blacklisted, which of course does no one any good. Getting your site back in good graces after being under that type of cloud is nearly impossible, and at the very least will cost you a lot of time and money.

Another distinct plus is that when you are the boss of the server, you can run whatever scripts or software you like, within reason. As long as you can install and maintain, or in the case of a managed plan, your web hosting company can; you can pretty much do as you will.

Some other benefits are increased levels of customer support, much faster site loading times, almost never any downtime, and state of the art hardware and software to run your site on.

While the price can and probably should be a consideration when choosing the best web hosting service for you, also do a bit of forward thinking to set yourself and your business up as well as possible for the future!

Web Hosting: The Best Web Hosting Service Might Be A Dedicated Host! |

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