Saturday, October 9, 2010

Free Web Hosting

"Free Webspace" is a directory list of free web hosting providers (free hompage hosting sites), with about 300 of the best free web space hosting sites with reviews, testimonials, and ratings, and is updated daily. To find a free web page hosting service that fits your needs, use the Search box on the left. If you need special web hosting features for your free web space, such as FrontPage server extensions, PHP, CGI, ASP, MySQL databases, etc., try our Advanced Free Web Hosting Search. The web hosting review page for each free website hosting company listed will allow you to read the reviews and ratings by others, or give your own. The newest additions to our searchable database of free webhosting providers are in a list below. The Linux web hosting for this website is now hosted on a fast dedicated server hosting, to serve you better.

We have recently had some downtime due to the Ev1servers / ThePlanet datacenter having a power outage which affected 9000 dedicated servers, and have moved to a dedicated hosting server at SoftLayer (now moved back to Ev1 Servers again). .....................pradeep...................


  1. I learned what is free website hosting and how its working all the information get it from through your blog. All the points are explained very clearly.

  2. Informative blog useful for those who are searching for free hosting providers to host their website online ..I usually wont prefer free hosting service so i have hsoted my website through providers like their hosting package starts at oc sot of $5.99 per month and varies depending upon some requirements like disk space ,bandwidth and so on .....The plan comprises of no hidden fees ,Best-of-Breed routers, firewalls and servers and so on .
