Saturday, October 9, 2010

Discount Web Hosting – What You Get For Less Money

Everyone is looking to save money these days, and it would only make sense that there would be a booming market for discount web hosting. Who wants or needs to pay more than is absolutely necessary for a simple web hosting account? Well, I’m here to offer an alternative opinion to consider. Let’s take a quick look at what you very often get with inexpensive web hosting accounts.

For the sake of this illustration, discount web hosting will be taken as $5 and less per month. While there is some quality web hosting available at that price point, the features and benefits of an account like that is severely limited. We also aren’t looking at free web hosting, as that is not a serious consideration for anyone starting a serious site.

• Discount web hosting invariably is conducted on shared web hosting. This means that your site is residing with hundreds of other sites on the same server. Many times you have no idea what types of sites you’re sharing an IP address with, and this can bite you in the behind. Another site on your IP runs afoul of Google and all of a sudden all the sites on that IP have problems from residing in what is now a “bad neighborhood”.

• One site on your shared server can become very popular and hog the available bandwidth, effectively slowing your site to a crawl.

• Space and bandwidth are very limited, giving you little or no room to expand or sometimes even get busy! The space and data transfer allotments are truly laughable on some of the cheap web hosting accounts.

• Having hundreds of sites on your server leads to inevitable slow load times for your site. This is fast becoming a ranking factor, at least within Google, and the last thing you need is people clicking off your site because it’s taking 30 seconds to a minute to load!

• Serious uptime issues plague many discount web hosting plans. If you are attempting to do this as a business, having your site available for anything less than 99.9% is unacceptable, and because of the resources that are allocated to this level of web hosting cost, sometimes stuff happens!

• Server security is dicey at this level of service, as many times the resources, updates and patches aren’t taken quite as seriously. Email spamming is more frequent, and server attacks not unheard of.

• Your support usually is minimal, at best. Phone support will be hard to come by, and since the person answering your call or email is being paid probably three times the fee you’re paying monthly per hour, you can see why hosts can’t afford sterling support at this price point.

Discount web hosting, for the few dollars a month you can save, is hardly worth the risk you are taking with your site and perhaps your customers. Think long and hard before going with a plan like these!

Web Hosting: Discount Web Hosting – What You Get For Less Money | ....................................................................hgggh.............................

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