Saturday, October 9, 2010

Web Hosting Packages – 7 Vital Considerations When Choosing

There are many things one needs to consider when selecting web hosting packages, and many tend to gloss this over in the haste to get their site up and running. That would be, and often is, a big mistake! Very often problems that prove insurmountable could have been avoided with a little forethought and planning. Let’s look at 7 top items to think about when choosing web hosting packages.

1. Space and Bandwidth – How much room do you need? Do you need large capacity for databases and an ecommerce setup? Or other, more demanding requirements that will hog space and bandwidth? Better to have an idea of this up front, and have a plan for it. Don’t be seduced by promises of “unlimited” space and bandwidth, as there is always a limit.

2. What Type of Web Hosting? – Are you comfortable on a shared server, hosting with dozens or hundreds of other sites, many of whom may be doing who knows what on their sites? Be aware that shared space is often responsible for many of the problems clients have with their web hosting companies. Complaints range from spam or malware attacks, to getting the IP address banned and ruining everyone’s day, usually through no fault of your own. Decide whether to reside on shared, virtual private servers, or your own dedicated server.

3. Room for growth? – Is this a web hosting package you can grow with, in terms of domains and size? This will be important to you down the road. Consider it now.

4. Software – Does this hosting company have the necessary goods to host your sites? Do you have specific needs, either now or shortly down the road, that will need to be accommodated? Better to ask the questions, and see that if they don’t have certain programs, they intend to, and that you are able to install programs you may want to, within reason, of course.

5. Security – This is a big one. Knowing that your and your customer’s sensitive information and web hosting email is safe and secure is a major part of building trust and return customers. Having problems in this area will make your day go downhill fast!

6. Support – Having a great web hosting support team is one of the most important items you can have in a hosting plan. When you have issues, (and sometimes you will; it happens) it’s comforting to know that there are people on your side, working hard to resolve the problem. Shoot for phone support if at all possible; it saves time, and is far more comforting than email.

7. Pricing – The last of my considerations, as it is the least important. Suffice it to say that if the above aren’t taken care of, you will pay more in the long run anyhow. There is a lot of competition in the web hosting space; you won’t easily be taken advantage of in price.

Keep these 7 nuggets in mind when shopping for new web hosting packages, and you’ll soon be rewarded with a terrific new host you can live with for years!

Web Hosting: Web Hosting Packages – 7 Vital Considerations When Choosing |


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